EA Java
(True Colours x Alize by The Elixir)
2005, 15.2 hh, black Straight Egyptian
EA Java is an ethereal beauty. He is one of the most exotic black straight Egyptian stallions now available and standing in the United States. Without a question, EA Javas beauty and extreme presence is a result of his amazing pedigree. He is sired by True Colours, an International Champion and Champion producing stallion in the USA, Canada, Europe and the Middle East. EA Java boasts a pedigree that will take the guesswork out of breeding.
CA, SCID and LFS - Clear Live Cover and Shipped Semen available
Breeding Fee **$1500**
Click on PDF for shipped semen breeding contract.
Photos by Brandy are at 5 yrs of age.
The ones by Diana Cantey are very recent.
Lucie Prsalova & EA Java
Behind the scene video of fashion and Stallion shoot of the AMAZING Straight Egyptian Stallion......"EA JAVA" and the BEAUTIFUL Model....... "Lucie Prsalova" for the upcoming issue of Arab Horse Couture Magazine
EA JAVA offers breeders the unique opportunity to breed to the ONLY 3/4 brother of 2009 World Champion Stallion and 2016 World Platinum Champion Stallion ROYAL COLORS in the United States. Both ROYAL COLORS and EA JAVA are by Israeli Silver Champion Stallion TRUE COLOURS out of daughters of Canadian Top Ten Stallion THE ELIXIR. ROYAL COLORS has sired champions at the top European title shows like the Nations Cup and the European Championships as well as National Champions in Europe and various countries in the Middle East.
Although EA JAVA has not had the opportunities that ROYAL COLORS has had, he is a Region 18 Champion Stallion and Eastern Canadian Breeders Reserve Champion Stallion ATH and a champion sire. He is also a 3/4 brother to regional halter winner and regional champion sire AZRAK, who is by TRUE COLOURS out of EA JAVA's maternal granddam BINT ALIJAMILA.
TRUE COLOURS, EA JAVA's sire, is a son of the all time leading Egyptian sire of champions, U.S. Reserve National Champion Stallion THEE DESPERADO+. THEE DESPERADO+'s most notable get include World Champion Stallion BJ THEE MUSTAFA and multiple Israeli National Champion Mare THE VISION HG, the only straight Egyptian mare to produce two World Champion Stallions. TRUE COLOURS's dam, National Champion producer DAHEDA, is a paternal sister to National Champions in halter, english pleasure and english sidesaddle. Her sire DALUL is a U.S. National Champion Futurity Colt and U.S. and Canadian Top Ten Stallion. DAHEDA's dam *NAHED GRSB is by MONEEF, a full brother to German National Champion Stallion MADKOUR I and to National winner sire *MAMELUCK. *NAHED GRSB is out of NOOSA, a 3/4 sister to NOHA, dam of Qatar International Champion Mare and Middle East Champion Filly RN FARIDA (herself dam of 3 National Champions in Qatar).
EA JAVA's dam ALIZE is by Canadian Top Ten Stallion THE ELIXIR, sire of U.S. Top Ten Gelding AOTH and Scottsdale Champion Sport Horse Under Saddle ENKIL X and U.S. Top Ten Mare AOTH, twice Egyptian Event Supreme Champion Mare and European Egyptian Event Reserve Champion Mare MC ALEXSIS. His National winner producers include multiple halter champion ALIXIR, sire of twice U.S. National Champion Sport Horse Stallion In Hand and multiple Top Ten Hunt Pleasure THE BANDERA+++/, and XTREME WONDER, dam of World Champion Stallion ROYAL COLOURS. THE ELIXIR has also been a Leading Sire at the U.S. Egyptian Event. He traces in sire line to the superb U.S. Top Ten Stallion *EL MAREEKH and also has a line to the leading Egyptian sire of National winners EL HILAL. His tail female line has produced Nations Cup Champion Mare, Egyptian Event Supreme Champion Mare and World and Brazilian Top Ten Mare BSA ALIYA, Israeli National Champion Mare and World Champion producer THE VISION HG, and U.S. Top Ten Stallion and National Champion sire *TALAL and *ANSATA BINT ZAAFARANA, dam of 2 National winners in halter.
ALIZE's dam, BINT ALIJAMILA, is the dam of regional halter winners AZRAK and SINANS RADIANT PEARL and of U.S. Egyptian Event Top Ten halter winner TRUE BELIEVER. BINT ALIJAMILA is a full sister to : halter champion and Egyptian Event halter winner and National winner sire THE ATTICUS. She is by multiple Top Ten Stallion THE MINSTRIL, sire of THEE DESPERADO+ and of a National Champion Jumper and a Top Ten Dressage winner. BINT ALIJAMILA's dam ALIJAMILA produced 4 champions including her 3/4 brothers U.S. Top Ten Futurity Colt SHABAB JAMAL (a champion sire in Israel) and AL BARAKI, sire of U.A.E. Champion Mare and Al Khalediah Reserve Senior Champion Mare and National Champion producer MMECCA (dam of Ajman Gold Champion Mare THORAYA AL ZOBAIR). AL BARAKI grandget include National Champions in halter in Israel and a U.S. National Champion Sport Horse In Hand. A good breeding stallion must have a strong dam line, and EA JAVA does!